Team Trinity is an online system to coordinate volunteer efforts at Holy Trinity in the below areas. Find out more about the below organizations on the Ministry Partners page.

Volunteer with Holy Trinity
HTLakeview Opportunities
Lakeview Pantry
Holy Trinity volunteers assist with working the pantry counter, restocking food, repacking bulk foods, sorting clothing and other various jobs that may be needed on the last Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Contact James Perez with questions.
The Crib (Youth Homeless Shelter)
Volunteers prepare and cook a meal in the Holy Trinity kitchen and deliver it to the youth homeless shelter where they set-up, sit down and eat a meal with the homeless youth. This typically happens on the third Saturday of each month at 7:00 p.m., however the shelter is sometimes closed during summer months due to lack of funding.
Volunteers are needed to purchase ingredients to make the meal. We have broken up the grocery shopping list into 3 categories for the main course, vegetables and dessert. Sign up on the volunteer-hub site for any of these tasks.
Night Ministry Outreach Bus
Holy Trinity assembles and distributes 'meals in a bag' with the Night Ministry in Rogers Park on a quarterly basis. Watch the e-news for details. With questions, contact Ken Duckmann.
ONE Northside
Task forces issues such as health issues, hate crimes and affordable housing.
Racial Justice Team
Holy Trinity's Racial Justice Team offers opportunities for Holy Trinity members and friends to explore issues of racism, power, and privilege.
Prison Book Ministry
Donate books for inmates in Illinois or participate in LSSI's Storybook Project. Learn more.
HTLoop Opportunities
"Takin it to the Streets"
Every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. at HTLoop.
Get to know the neighborhood and it’s people as we walk the streets and offer food and hospitality to those in need.
Community Meal
last Sunday of the month - 7:00 p.m.
Serve a meal and dine with members of the community.