Small Groups: Lakeview

For upcoming events, check our calendar, announcements, or our weekly e-news. For questions about any of these groups, feel free to contact the church office.
BOOK GROUP meets monthly to discuss a book chosen by the group.
MOVIE NIGHTS are offered every other month and usually include a light meal, movie and short discussion.
BIBLE STUDY at HTLakeveiw Wednesdays 9:30 a.m.; at HTLoop Tuesdays 6:00 p.m.
CHOIR meets each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. (and occasional Thursday evenings) for rehearsal during the school year. The choir rehearses and sings at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy approximately three Sundays a month.
DAYTIMERS is a group for retired folks and others who may be free during the day. They meet in homes or at church for lunch and conversation.
FAMILY GATHERINGS are planned for our growing number of families with young children.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY is a group of knitters (beginner to novice) who create blessed items such as shawls and scarves to give to adoptions agencies, hospice and other community members in need.
SOCIAL EVENTS such as wine tastings, comedy night, happy hour, and Grant Park picnic/concert
OTHER classes, forums, retreats, and special events are regularly scheduled.