What Shall I Give Up Or Take On This Lent?
For many Lent is a time to "give something up" like sweets, meat or alcohol. This "fast" can be a balance to our over-indulgent lives and prepare us for the feast of Easter.
The traditional "disciplines" of Lent are fasting, almsgiving and prayer. You might want to consider your own ways to incorporate these aspects into your Lenten observance. Lent can also be a time to take something on for the season.
Fasting can help us identify with those who are hungry and otherwise needy in our world. It can help us reflect on our own needs and hungers as well. You may want to eat simpler meals during Lent, or give up one meal a week (Wednesdays and Fridays are traditional fast days). Or you might consider fasting from television or other electronics. Or you could fast from complaining, fast from talking ill of others, or fast from rushing through your day.
Almsgiving is what we give to others, especially those in need. Folks often begin with giving a financial gift that supports a cause such as world hunger, a food pantry, or many others. Consider also making a visit to someone who is sick, lonely or sad.
Prayer is a discipline that can be expressed in many ways. Perhaps you could commit to being more regular in worship. You could spend time in silence, read a devotional book, or doing something prayerfully that will refresh your soul.
Other things to give up or take on during Lent:
1. Take a day or portion of a day to renew your spiritual life. Don't be concerned about accomplishing anything. Go for a walk. Read a book for pleasure. Spend time with a loved one.
2. As you take something on find something else you can remove from your routine or schedule.
3. Find ways to simplify your life. Focus on essentials.
4. Turn off the TV, radio and computer (fast from screens) and do something more organic like cooking, writing, sewing, cleaning or crafts.
5. Spend some time alone and learn how to be comfortable with solitude and silence.
6. Consider balance in your life. Do you need to focus more on your physical, emotional, intellectual or social side?
7. Read an entire book of the Bible, such as Luke (the gospel we’re reading in the lectionary this year) or John. Or use psalms as part of your time of prayer and centering.
8. Find ways to be generous and to give of your time, your financial resources, and your God-given talents and abilities.
9. Use Lent to do something you have previously put off or procrastinated.
10. Sign up to volunteer at the Lakeview Pantry, the Crib (shelter at Lakeview Lutheran), or South Loop Campus Ministry Sunday feeing program.