Calendar At A Glance

Wed, Mar. 12 9:30 am | Wednesday Eucharist Wed, Mar. 12 10:00 am | Wednesday Text Study--1st Wed, Mar. 12 7:15 pm | Social Ministry Meeting Wed, Mar. 12 7:15 pm | SAA - Wednesday Came to Believe Thu, Mar. 13 3:00 pm | Peter Morgan Lessons (Cantabile School)

Sunday in Lakeview

9:00 & 11:00 a.m. + 1218 W Addison


Saturday Night in the Loop

5:00 p.m. + 637 S Dearborn

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Sunday Of The Passion/Palm Sunday, April 14

  • 9am and 11am – Procession with Palms and Luke Passion (gather outside, weather permitting)

Maundy Thursday, April 18

  • 7:15pm- Liturgy of Maundy Thursday (childcare available in the nursery) (Corporate Confession, Footwashing (optional), Eucharist, and Stripping of the Altar)

Good Friday, April 19

  • 11am-1pm- Church open for self-guided Stations of the Cross (1:20pm Cubs Home Game)
  • 7:15pm- Liturgy of Good Friday (childcare available in the nursery) (Saint John Passion, Bidding Prayer, Procession of the Cross)

Easter Eve, April 20 (no service at HTLoop)

  • 7:15pm - The Great Vigil of Easter (childcare available in the nursery) followed by festive sparkling beverage reception (Blessing of the New Fire, Easter Proclamation, Readings, Affirmation of Baptism, First Eucharist of Easter)

Easter Day, April 21

  • 9am and 11am - Festival Eucharists – (with brass, timpani, and choir) (1:20pm Cubs Home Game)


Palm/Passion Sunday– Saturday, April 13

  • 5pm – Procession with Palms and Luke Passion

Maundy Thursday, April 18

  • 6:30pm- Liturgy of Maundy Thursday (Agape Meal, Eucharist, and Stripping of the Altar)

Good Friday, April 19

  • Noon – Good Friday Liturgy (40 minutes; Joint service with Grace Episcopal)

  • 6:30pm– Liturgy of Good Friday (Joint service with Grace Episcopal)

Easter Eve, April 20 (no service at HTLoop)

Easter Day, April 21

  • 8am and 10am- Grace Episcopal’s Easter Eucharists

Recent Blog Posts

  • Three named women in today’s gospel reading, Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary mother of James, along with other women who were at Jesus’ tomb, ran to tell the good news to the others; but the men didn’t believe them. The guys said their report was an idle tale.

  • We ask ourselves, "Did I waste my time? My expenditure of energy? Was it worth it? Was my life worth it?" Yet, in God, all things belong, our bodies and souls. All things belong, even our great losses and things beyond our comprehension. Perhaps there is no greater loss than the body of Jesus crucified at a garbage heap. What a waste! Yet each Sunday we acclaim the cross as our life and resurrection. Everything belongs. So we press on to Easter. And to the God who provides a way through the wilderness wasteland to an extravagant springtime of new life.

  • In baptism we have been made one in Christ, and, once again, in the words of Paul from Second Corinthians, “if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” We are reconciled and made new once again. Our old greedy or stubborn selves die, and we can once again return to our work and call as ambassadors of reconciliation, bringing heavenly healing, wholeness, grace, and unity to a foreign world that needs to know these things.

  • Lent is a time for some spiritual fertilizer. Be glad for one more year. One more spring. One more Easter. One more year to trust God more than money. One more year to forgive yourself and others. One more year to see your weaknesses and imperfections as the manure that may hold treasure.

Greetings from Pastor Mueller

Holy Trinity is unlike the churches most of us grew up in. Because it is fluid and ever-changing, the congregation has a remarkable spirit of openness and vitality. Yes, we value our Lutheran heritage and the ancient roots of our liturgy, yet we delight in a faith that is ever new and infused with a message for the needs and concerns of our contemporary world. As somebody recently put it: Our faith is two thousand years old, but our thinking is not.